Tonight we raised $250,000 for charity.

My synagogue's yearly fundraiser was looking bleak a few weeks ago.

The Rabbi called me to his office, to discuss the raffle. I could hear in his voice was disappointed when he said to me "Berel, it's just not moving". We had only sold 1,000 tickets and out goal was 2,000.

We got on the phones, social media, and texted everyone we could find. The whole community came together triumphantly. Not only did we hit our goal, but we exceeded it by selling 2,200 tickets!

I am so proud of everyone. Thank you to everyone ego supported.

*for those that don't speak Hebrew, I will give you some key words for this video so you understand:

1. Hashem = G-d
2. Baruch Hashem = Thank G-d
3. Pashut= simply
4. Shul = synagogue
5. Mazel tov= congratulations
Berel Solomon
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