Chapter 3 - What to sell.

Chapter 3 - What to Sell.

When deciding what to sell, it is important for you to feel passionate about what you are selling.

If you don’t believe in the product or service that you're selling, things will go slowly.

Another thing that is important to consider is profit margins.

If the amount that you can sell something for is not considerably higher than the price that you paid for it, it’s probably a waste of your time.

Think of all of the time, energy and expenses that go into your business.

The same effort that you are currently investing in $500 deals, you could successfully pull off $5,000 deals.

However, in order to do that you will have to shift your focus and only go after the higher profit deals.

Another important ingredient is momentum. If an industry only produces a sale a couple of times a year (such as the private jet industry), it will be very hard for you to stay inspired and excited about your prospects.

Choose something where there is consistent demand. This way, you will constantly be riding off the momentum of your sales.

Lastly, even in today’s fast-paced technology-driven world, the best way to make a sale is in-person face-to-face.

When you are in front of a person, you have his or her complete attention and you can convey the entirety of your excitement about your product or service.
Berel Solomon
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