Jews need to stop trying to impress everyone.

Throughout history, the Jewish people have faced persecution and discrimination from numerous nations and societies. From ancient Egypt and Babylon to the Roman Empire, and more recently, during the horrors of the Holocaust, Jews have been targeted for their religious beliefs and cultural identity. This persistent adversity has often forced the Jewish community to look inward for strength and resilience.

In the face of such persistent chastisement, the Jewish tradition teaches a profound lesson: the only approval that truly matters is that of God. According to Jewish faith, God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants underscores a divine promise that transcends human injustice and hatred. This covenant serves as a reminder that while the world may turn against them, their worth and purpose are defined by their relationship with God.

Jewish teachings and scriptures emphasize the importance of living a life that honors God, adhering to His commandments, and upholding ethical and moral standards. This spiritual focus provides a sense of purpose and direction that is not swayed by external opinions or societal acceptance. By seeking to impress God rather than the world, Jews maintain a sense of identity and continuity that has allowed their culture and religion to endure through centuries of hardship.

The Jewish people’s resilience and enduring faith serve as a testament to the power of spiritual commitment. In times of trial and tribulation, it is this unwavering devotion to God that has sustained them and enabled their survival and prosperity. The lesson is clear: while the world may judge and chastise, it is God’s approval that truly counts, providing a timeless and unshakeable foundation for the Jewish way of life.
Berel Solomon
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