Niche Business VS. General

The first 10 phone calls that I made working on my father's business, I got the phone slammed on my face 10/10 times. The reason was I was competing in a very red and bloody ocean.

I realized very quickly that if I wanted to be successful in his business, I would have to recycle a metal that nobody else wanted. So I found a product called metal powder that we started to recycle, and we grew the business 300% in 6 years. not only were people picking up my phone calls, but I was the only show in town, and they started calling me.

This is the power of a niche... And this is what we started doing at Wealthy Commercials. At first I would do every industry that came my way. As the years have gone by we have really started to focus on our core industries. And now the tables have turned, I have stopped begging people for their business, and they have started to reach out to us. Thank G-d.

You can do the same in your business too. Find your sector, and dominate it.
Berel Solomon
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