Things take longer than you think. Keep pushing. Don’t give up.

Tomorrow I'm launching a new business line into the market. I’m behind schedule, the product is not perfect, but we're pushing it out anyway.

Don’t be discouraged if your projects are taking longer than you had hoped.

Follow Berel Solomon to see how the launch goes.

The truth is, it's often better to be first than to be perfect. Being first means taking action and making progress, even if it's not perfect. It means putting yourself out there and taking a risk. It means learning from your mistakes and making improvements along the way.

Of course, this doesn't mean you should settle for mediocrity or neglect quality. It simply means that you should prioritize progress over perfection. Take action, make mistakes, and learn from them. Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you start.

In business, being first can give you a competitive advantage. It allows you to enter the market early, build momentum, and gain market share. It also allows you to test your ideas, get feedback, and make improvements before your competitors catch up.

In life, being first can mean achieving your goals and dreams sooner. It means taking risks, pursuing your passions, and living life to the fullest. It means not waiting for the perfect moment or the perfect opportunity, but creating them for yourself.

In conclusion, it's important to recognize that things in business and in life take longer than we think. We need to be realistic about our timelines and be prepared for unexpected delays or setbacks. We also need to avoid the trap of perfectionism and prioritize progress over perfection. Remember, it's often better to be first than to be perfect. Take action, make mistakes, and keep moving forward
Berel Solomon
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