We return home triumphant.

We are returning back to Wealthy Commercials, Inc HQ as triumphant men.

Today marked a very important milestone for our company. For months we have been flirting with our new product for tradeshows.

In my gut I knew it was going to work. But the unknown was killing me. We tested our concept with an MVP (minimum viable product) at a show in New Jersey. The market ate it up.

I have had many, many failures along the way. And you have to go through them to reach the successes. Don't be afraid to take risks.

The bitter long days and nights away from from sweet family were not in vain.

Now that we have proven the concept, we head back to Head Quarters to turn this thing into a 10M$ monster in 2020 with God's help.

Thank you for following the journey, and thank you for the love.
Berel Solomon
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