Wealthy Executive Coaching

Two years ago posted on Linkedin saying that 'I was looking for an executive coach.' I was so embarrassed.

I knew I needed someone to help me get to the next level, but I was ashamed to ask for help. After all, I was supposed to be the business guru?!

I found a coach, and it changed my life forever.

Fast forward less than two years later, I own the fastest growing coaching firm in the Jewish Business World today.

I guess you can say I drank the cool-aid.

I have a mission to bring the gift of executive coaching to the world.

I bleed self development from my vains.

If you would like complimentary session with one of our rockstar coaches, please leave a message in the comments, or message Berel Solomon or Elias Makris directly.

Thank you to all of our clients.

And a special thank you to our amazing team Jay Gelman, Tania, David Hochberg, Dovid Weiss, and Melissa Coletta.

Thank you, God, for making this dream come true.

To the best you
Berel Solomon
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