How To Deal With Uncertainty in Business.

If God gave you 10 years' worth of business in one day it wouldn't be a blessing, it would be a curse.

I woke up this morning in a bad mood. I called Elias Makris and told him I wish I had more certainty in business. He quickly reminded me about all the great things we have going on, all the deals, contracts, clients, etc..

I said "Yes but, what's going to be with tomorrow? All that stuff that happened seems to come in such a random way."

He said, "that's how it's always been."

I stopped for a second and I realized that uncertainty is O.K.

If you want certainty, go work on an assembly line screwing the same bolt into the same hole every day for the rest of your life. But you can also be certain to earn $11.00 an hour with no growth.

Growth comes from being in a position of uncertainty. It's a feeling that shouldn't cripple you. It should make you move, make you try, and make you push to get what you need.

Our job is to embrace uncertainty, accomplish something every single day, and let God do the rest. L'chaim.
Berel Solomon
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